Saturday, November 04, 2006

Last night I had one of my favorite kind of dreams...covert mission. The part I remember started on a large airliner. My father was there, in some sort of military/national security capacity. We were sitting at a glass table with a holographic map, and there was a man from the CIA there. I got briefed on my mission. I'm not sure what my mission was, but it undoubtedly involved spying and perhaps martial arts. Next thing I know, I'm jumping out of the airplane. My chute wouldn't open, but I made a rough landing and was miraculously okay.

Of course, I was in the Middle East somewhere. My wallet went missing in my rough landing. I snuck incognito into a small village to find my target. But, I needed money. Fortunately, several families from Westlake just happened to be vacationing in this small terrorist village. Hunter Brown wouldn't loan me any money, so I found his mom and she gave me $100.

Then the cat jumped on my face. How disappointing. I love those kinds of dreams.


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